Humor Me Discovery Channel! Humor Me!!!

I’m always a fan of Discovery Channel. How they show the world in a four-colored-wall and making it very realistic to us. Oh Discovery! You’re just simply amazing!


With that praised and being a fan, I still have some key points I want to discuss though. Like how confusing some of the description you spoiled out? How you lure us to see the world and encourage us to experience building connection with these friendly and deadly creatures.

Oohh! How amazing to feel the snakes coiling in your neck minus the killing part of course! How warm to cuddle a hairy lion, tiger or a bear in their natural habitat. How to enjoy the actual feeling of swimming with sharks under the deep blue sea? How can’t that be more encouraging with all these gentle scenes in our television? How?!


Here are some of the things I’ve seen today that made me grinned, laughed and sometimes wonder if they really saying this:


1. Indian Red Scorpion

You said – “Their last resort is to use the venom and aloof unless provoke”. Lol! Aloof alright! As far as I know, if a scorpion sees/encountered an unusual creature regardless the intention especially bigger than its size…I’m pretty sure they will use their venom right away. No questions asked! Lol. Last resort, Last resort my ass! Lol

2. Sloth Bear

You said – “They don’t eat human flesh just termites. It can consume an entire colony or 10, 000 termites to be exact”. Hmmm? Very funny Discovery! How’d you figured out that it is 10,000 termites? Did you count it while they eat?

You also said – “They weigh more than 150 pounds but still can move faster and chase a human” – Well, Discovery…Thank you very much for a false tip. If, in case, I experience seeing one; I will not run anymore because I know I will not be able to outrun this so-called “cute and cuddly bear”. I’ll just let it “cuddle” me and tear my body apart. Lol

3. Elephants

You said – “They are one of the powerful and heaviest 5-ton animals in the kingdom. Although, not a prey they can still be deadly. And, despite the size it has the ability to be unnoticeable with its surrounding (forest) and attack a human.”

Okay! Let me get this straight, it’s powerful, heavy, deadly, “very” big and still can hide? How is that even possible? And, how can that be anymore terrifying? For all you know, there’s already an elephant behind you and you still don’t have any idea it’s there?! Oh! Hey Dumbo! Lol

4. Penguins

You “should” say – “They are notoriously known for being armed with their super-killer cuteness.” Lol (thought would be funny but additional fact as well)


Hmmm, I know the channel is still amazing and will be there like…forever! I just thought it would be funny to put a little humor between these so-called facts about the wild.


SO, that’s it and enjoy life and Raaawwwrrr!


Approved by:

Insipid :)