Who’s Driving?!

Last weekend, a very close friend of mine asked me to accompany and spend weekend together. I don’t have usually plans during weekends so I just agreed and decided to meet her. As usual, the plan is to meet around 1pm but the thing about her is that when she said 1pm she meant 12pm – an hour earlier than expected.

So, I’ve arrived 1pm and again she arrived earlier than expected which really nice and impressive of her. We had our lunch first before we figure out where to go and what to do. After our lunch we agreed to skip movie or spa. I suggested let’s try to visit the near by amusement park (Enchanted Kingdom) which quite far from where we were that time. And, we mutually decided to go and visit her sister in Rizal which is really farther compared to amusement park. That day, she brought a car, which I can’t drive because I have an expired license. So, I let her drive and here’s where the interesting part happened. I haven’t seen her drives an automatic car before. Or, better yet, I haven’t been with her driving in long distance driving. Yes! I was apprehensive but one impressive side was – I think she looks very hot or sexier seeing her drives a car. *wink*


Unfortunately, these are things I’ve noticed with her driving skills:


1. While leaving the parking lot and about to pay our parking fee to the parking lady, her window was like a meter away from the booth hence the lady needed to pull out half of her body from her booth just to reach the ticket and get the payment. Lol

2. Swerving! It was at stop sign and she discussed whether to take left or straight. She decided to turn left. We were in the second lane and while on green! Luckily, traffic officers were eating…I guess. Sigh.

3. While on the road, she decided she wants to eat order food at drive-thru . So, we saw McDonald’s and we decided to get in there. What happened was we passed few meters away from the entrance and end up reversing. Sigh.

4. Bumpy roads! I wanted to tell her the car is Sedan and a not Pick-Up truck. I just told look ahead and notice if there are bumps ahead. (We were laughing the whole time when I told her this – maybe because of the several bumps we experienced) Lol

5. Red light means S.T.O.P.! We were in some part of the city (Pasig City) where traffic rules are really strict. I know that everywhere has traffic rules but not everyone really abide them or into the extent of being strictly implemented. So, going back, I told her that it’s a STOP sign yet she still move forward and there! Just in the corner, a traffic enforcer. To make this part short, she was given a warning because of her ID. Perks of working there and sorry it’s too confidential to share. Tsk!

6. Intersections! Whenever we’re about to enter intersections it was like I’m being put in a situation where my whole body will be thrown off the cliff. It was crazy!

7. Promises! She always tells that she will not hurry anymore but we always end up hitting bumpy roads and probably tear and wear out her shock absorbers. Sigh.

8. Finally, just time to hit the gasoline station, just when about to park beside refilling station, we hit the gutter and thought we hit the side of car but the gasoline boy confirmed that it was just our tires which gave us both reliefs.

Okay, to finally answer the question in the title. Aside from being a very close friend, she happens to be my ex-girlfriend. How does it work between us? Still going out and considering so-called-best-friends? We also don’t know as well…but it works so I don’t need to explain anymore. As for my personal opinion about her driving skills, and maybe I was a bit exaggerating on my observations above or maybe I’m not. But, to be fair, she can drive from Point A to Point B and that I can give her.

Anyways, right after so-called road trip it gave me a funny thought that maybe, just maybe – she was trying to kill me. In addition, I don’t usually fasten my seat belt whenever I take the shotgun but after experiencing no. 2…I am very much convinced that I have to. Lol

All in all we really had a great time together, we were laughing the whole time, we had a relaxing moment when with her sister and sister’s husband. I also had a nice time playing with her three adorable nieces. As much as I wanted or we wanted to look us each other; I decided to look at the road while she drives.

BTW, just to let you know, I am still ALIVE;. This is not me being a ghost or fulfilling one of my last will. I wrote this post just to share because I think it was funny or fun and fortunately she will never know or see. Lol

I’ll try to post some more once my current dilemma at work has subsided. Unfortunately, I’m still preoccupied with these resignations and stuffs on-going. And, Yes! Don’t worry I’ll find time to renew my driver’s license so she don’t need to drive anymore. Sigh.
So, that’s if for now. Have a wonderful day and have a safe driving.


Approved by:

Insipid :)

Emotionally Tortured By A Weather Forecast

Few days from now I will be soaking my whole body to relaxation and tremendous amount of seafood and will probably drink a lot of salt water. I will finally have sometime to visit one of the beaches in my beloved country. Finally, after few months waiting for my booking to reach to its final date…here it is. All the preparations, all the communication made with my not-really-defendable travel agency, all the spontaneous checking to air fare promotions and of course, spending and budgeting…I am just few days away.


You might notice that everything seems to be perfectly handled and carefully planned. Well, yes but not really. All the things I mentioned above, all of them are controllable and can be adjusted based on what I want and what suites me. But here is the thing, there is one thing you should know about our country that pisses me off and throw me off the hook. **Drum roll please**




Having unpredictable weather is really common nowadays, as you may know that Iceland will probably just be called “land” few years from now because of Global Warming. We really can’t control the weather on how it should behave. However, we are humans and it’s our nature to adjust to a situation.


Anyways, going back, I don’t know if its me or just me being a “not-so-good-enough” traveler; unlike the ones I see here in WP. I know that I’ve managed to visit several places before locally and abroad with no hassle and less worried but the thing about weather forecasting is really my weakness. Maybe, everyone also have this issue dealing with weather forecasting. Somehow, it never fails to mess/play with my emotions. It gives me this feeling of letting down my excitement and brings up my apprehension which is quite sad. However, I’m not saying the effects of that are all bad for me because if I get too excited I won’t be able to sleep which lead to unhealthy me. Lol


Based in my very close friend (Google), “she” has these forecasts of all the places you could ever imagine including outside the earth (i.e. Mars(hot), Neptune(Cold) Pluto(Very cold)). Consider your self lucky if you see a detailed forecast for 15-30 days. Usually, it only shows you 7 days and probably the closest thing to reality on what you should expect. But here is the problem – it is really confusing and sometimes start to mess with your feelings. Obviously, you don’t want to see clouds, rains and thunders and at the same time imagine yourself snorkeling. You want to see sun and ray of sunshine in your weather forecast.


Due to tremendous nos. of sites who claims their data are accurate…you click them one by one and check their forecasts which starting to be quite confusing. You keep clicking the site until you see a better and clearer weather forecast – then you stopped. As soon as I see a good forecast, I stopped. This way, it will leave me a feeling of optimism. Lol but quite effective…for me.


Enough said! Because probably I’m starting to confuse you including myself and since we are really “in” to pictures nowadays here are the weather forecast I found:

This first screenshot somehow made me imagine to get a shotgun and shoot myself. ( Silly me for being so brutal)

This next screenshot, made me slightly stop thinking about the shotgun. Lol

And finally, this last one, well with all the sunshine in this picture made me realize to get some shorts and pack some things to enjoy the scorching sun while enjoying the b.e.a.uty of the beach!


If you have better idea what would be an interesting title for this post. Well my friend, shoot it to me! Because to be honest, I don’t know if the title is awesome. Yes, awesome but not that awesome enough. Lol

Seriously, I need your suggestion and credits will be yours of course! Lol



I now completed my 30th posts which made WP to congratulates me and for that…thank you WP but send me some novelty items. That will be more appreciative. Lol


And, once again, have a great, enjoy life and find sometime visit the beach. Lol


Approved by:

Insipid :)