Funny Lunch Break!

Last night I had a funny conversation with a store personnel near our office. This conversation went from simple to weird to interesting to funny. Due to workloads and partly ego on not joining with my colleagues because of the recent issue happened to me and my superior colleague, I am still in the isolation mode which I think going well (As far as I know). Anyways, going back with the personnel in the convenient store, as I went inside the store here’s what happened.


First Conversation:

Personnel: Hi Sir! (I’m quite familiar to them) need some Chillz( iced cold coffee)?

Me: Ey! No. I’m good. I’m taking my lunch break. Hmm, do you still have other parts of chicken? Do you have breast part?

Personnel: Oh sir, we don’t have chickens anymore. That’s the last one (leg part). You don’t like leg part sir?

Me: No. I like breast part. Best and healthy part of the chicken. *laughed*

Personnel: Nice sir. You are right. But, do you know you can also tell if a guy is gay by choosing what part of chicken he likes.

Me: Huh?! And how is that? *laughed*

Personnel: Sir, you can tell if a guy is gay if he will always choose thigh part instead of breast. Lol

*I took my time to figure out what he just said and then after that I laughed.*

Me: Hahaha! That’s a very interesting and a very funny analogy.

*BTW, he is 100% gay. Lol*


Second Conversation:

Me: Hmm, so since you don’t have other parts of chicken anymore. Do you have fish fillet instead?

Personnel: That’s also gone sir. I suggest you can eat Liempo (grilled pork)?

Me: Nah, that’s pork. I don’t really eat pork anymore.

Personnel: Why don’t like it sir? Liempo is very good. You’re Muslim sir? Is that you religion?

Me: No. I’m Catholic. I just don’t like eating pork anymore. To be honest, I don’t really like the taste of the pork anymore.

Personnel: Ah I see. What about burger steak sir? That’s beef.

Me: Hmmm, yes but that is very small I not sure if that will even reach to my belly (Lol) and besides there’s rice.

Personnel: Ah yes, I remember you don’t like rice as well. You never take or return the rice whenever you order a chicken meal.

Me: Yes.

Personnel: Sir, bread or hotdog?

Me: Yes, bread will do and this canned chicken sausage. But, do you have something I could use to microwave this?

Personnel: I’m sorry sir but we don’t have.

Me: Sigh! Alright, I think I’ll just take this Spaghetti and this Gardenia (bread).

Personnel: Alright sir. Wow! You know sir…if you have a wife or a girlfriend she will be for sure have problems with you…problems on what to cook!

*And…we just laughed.*

There! I think this was a funny conversation. Although quite confusing because I don’t really know what to eat. Admittedly, I enjoyed my lunch not to mention my packed Milk Avocado. All in all, I had a full stomach, a funny conversation and peaceful lunch break. Lol



Once again, WP congratulates me for my 40th post which I really appreciate but I want to tell WP to at least send me something. A novelty items will be much appreciated. Lol

Anyways, have a good or funny day and as always enjoy life!

Approved by:

Insipid (:

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