What An Amazing Feeling!

You can call me shallow for what I have posted today. But seriously, I couldn’t care less if say that (Lol). I wanted to share something that made me felt really (3x) good last week and late last week. These two things were guaranteed will be part of my memory for the rest of my life. I might not sure about the first one for how long but the second one will be definitely engraved in my heart.


First, as you know, I am playing for volleyball team in our company’s sport fest. Last week, we had a very exciting and breath-taking match. We played with another team that has never been beaten and for sure will go and compete to finals. It was us who will need to prove that we can get the spot and grab the championship and if we lost this game, we are just playing for 3rd place. So, as the game started we lost the first set (maybe because I was not playing…yet ;P). And then, going on the 2nd set, I was asked to go in and play. And boy! I really said to myself that we need to win this match in order to get to finals. I tried my best to save the ball even though it was already expected to be a point for the other team. I slide, dive and even a motivator just to make sure that we can win.
And let me tell you that, the game was so intense! We took and won the 2nd set like a landslide 25 -10. That was the score (Ehem). Evidently, people were cheering and since we won the second set, all the crowd started to be excited, they started to shout, cheer, jump and doing some sort of crazy stuffs because of excitement on the game. I felt good because someone even called me “Lucky Charm”. Lol

How cool is that? To be called like that? Believe me; it felt really good.

During the first half of the 3rd set, unfortunately the other team was leading by 4 points and expectedly decided to take our time out to assess the game and boost our confidence. After the time out, there you go! We started to closed the gap and lead the score by one. As steady as possible, the last serve was from our team. And I couldn’t imagine more what my teammate felt when he was serving the game point. With a little luck, the serve got in and made the game point.

WE @#!$%^& WON THE GAME!

“The crowd goes loud” – as what they say. Everyone was jumping, shouting, clapping and smiling. We freaking won the game and head to finals with a team that we thought we could never beat. I know! You call me shallow, but I jumped and shout my heart out that we won that game. If I could share what I really felt to you I will. In a grand scale, it was really freaking AMAZING!

I watched every one of them, they look very happy, they hugged each other and I just looked and observed them. For some reason, it gave me the visual representation of what it looks like to be freaking happy. Anyways, that’s the end of the first one.


Now, here is the 2nd one, the first one gave me an amazing feeling about a certain moment. But this one gave me a moment that I will enjoy recalling every day in my entire existence. A kid named with my most favorite name in the world and I guess the most beautiful name I could ever imagine given to anyone, gave me a personalized card.

Awwww, I know! How sweet was that?

Anyways, this post is obviously quite getting long now and I’m starting to get lazy typing. So, I’m just going to make a short story on how I received the card or what happened. Here’s what happened…Enjoy!

. . .

Once a upon a time in a far far away land, a small princess named with the most beautiful name that can be given to anyone – Chloe, got mad at her painter because she thought the painter did not do a very good job painting her portrait. So, the princess started to get really disappointed and mad. And because of her anger, she said a lot of things, bad things and started to cry.

Even though the painter heard all what the princess have had said, he remains understandable (Lol) and tried everything to please her princess but despite all the efforts, the princess still felt hurt, disappointed and sad. The painter started to get worried and sad as well, he kept doing things to please her princess which did not change anything and ironically got the princess even more angry.

And, because of the important task assigned to the painter, the painter needs to leave. The princess started to get lonely knowing that her painter will leave and might not be coming back. The princess, started to miss her painter and felt bad for saying all of the bad things because of her angst.

And then, the painter came back to the palace. Upon arriving, the painter received a very special gift from the princess. It was a beautiful card that the princess made only for him. The painter, did not understand any word written on it but he knew it was for saying I’m sorry and saying that the princess loves her. The painter saw the princess the same day and with a sweet and magical moment…

The princess hugged and kissed her painter.

And they lived happily ever after.

. . .

I hope you like the short story. (Lol) I wanted to go on details but its quite long. So, just bare with it and my story telling skills because that’s what I all I have (Lol). Anyways, the point of my story was…I received a personalized card from a kid; I was hugged and kissed by a very sweet kid. Couldn’t get any better eh?. Lol


I wish I could show you the card given to me but unfortunately the scanner is still not working. I could share what was written and a little description on what it looks like though. So, here…(word-for-word)

A little description of the card: She drew my face (What should I expect?She’s still a kid. Lol), She drew some butterflies, she put some ribbons, hearts and some stuffs I could not really figure out. (Lol)


im’sorry to i do toyouokay’
im’sorry agaigtoisayyou’?

Daer, TiToJoben___________________
I love you, TiTo Joben
and im|sorry
TiToJoben im sosorry?

Anyways, just want to share some simple pleasures of life that we tend to ignore (for some, I guess)

Have a great day and enjoy life!


Approved by:

Insipid ;)